Source code for pybec.analysis

Module for manipulating data from QuantumEspresso Output after Parsing

Contains all functions for calculating Born Effective Charges

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pybec import utils
import dask.array as da
from pybec import parsers
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from pykrige.rk import Krige
from pykrige.uk3d import UniversalKriging3D
from pykrige.compat import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RationalQuadratic as RQ, ConstantKernel as C
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf
from scipy.interpolate import NearestNDInterpolator as NND
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator as LND
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

A_TO_B = 0.529177249

[docs]def get_full_pol(directory): """ Gets the trajectory of the polarization. Parameters ---------- directory : str The path to a directory containing all of the output files to parse for polarization data. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Nx2 array with the first column containing the time and second column containing the overall polarization. Duplicate timesteps are removed during processing. """ pols = {} files = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*')) files.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split('.')[-1])) for file in files: _, pol = parsers.get_dipole(file) if len(pol): for i, p in enumerate(pol): pols[pol[i, 0]] = pol[i] pols = OrderedDict(sorted(pols.items())) pols = np.concatenate([pols[step].reshape(1,-1) for step in pols], axis=0) time = (np.cumsum(pols[:, 1]) - pols[0, 1] + pols[0,0] * pols[0, 1]).reshape(-1,1) return np.concatenate([time, pols[:, -1].reshape(-1,1)], axis=1)
[docs]def find_jumps(arr, thresh=10): """ Detect where the trajectory has anomolous values. Parameters ---------- arr : numpy.ndarray Nx0 array of values to check for outliers Returns ------- np.ndarray Array of indices in which input array has a value larger than thresh """ return np.nonzero(np.abs(arr) > thresh)[0]
[docs]def correct_jumps(arr, x=None, jump_quantum=None, jump_threshold=10.): """ Correct discontinuities in trajectory Either corrects using a best guess to align the slope at the discontinuity with the slope on either side of the discontinuity or using a specified jump size. An integer multiple of this jump is added to the trajectory after the discontinuity to match it closely with the trajectory before. Parameters ---------- arr : numpy.ndarray Nx0 array of values in the trajectory of some variable. x : numpy.ndarray, optional, default=None Nx0 array defining the spacing between values in the trajectory for calculation of slope. If None, a uniform spacing of 1 is assumed. jump_quantum : float, optional, default=None This optionally forces the correction added post-discontinuity to be an integer multiple of this jump_quantum size. jump_threshold : float, optional, default=10. Sets the sensitivity for detecting jumps. Larger value increases sensitivity and will try to correct smaller jumps. Returns ------- np.ndarray Nx0 array of original values, with jumps corrected. """ arr = np.copy(arr) dv = arr[1:] - arr[0:-1] if x is None: x = np.arange(1, len(arr)+1) dx = x[1:] - x[0:-1] scaled_dv = dv / dx for idx in find_jumps(scaled_dv, thresh=jump_threshold): jump = dv[idx] run = dx[idx] if jump_quantum is not None: n = round(jump/jump_quantum) # correct the elements following the jump arr[idx+1:] -= n * jump_quantum else: ave_dv_dx = (scaled_dv[idx+1] + scaled_dv[idx-1]) / 2 rise = ave_dv_dx * run arr[idx+1:] += (-jump + rise) return arr
[docs]def correct_jumps_between_arr(arr1, arr2, jump_quantum): """ Shift the start value of one array to align with the end value of another. Parameters ---------- arr1 : numpy.ndarray Nx0 array of values in the trajectory of some variable. arr2 : numpy.ndarray Mx0 array of values in the trajectory of some variable. The function will shift all values in this array such that its start aligns with the end of arr1. jump_quantum : float The shift added to arr2 will be an integer multiple of this jump_quantum size. Returns ------- np.ndarray Mx0 array of shifted arr2 values. """ jump = arr2[0] - arr1[-1] n = round(jump/jump_quantum) # correct the elements following the jump arr2 -= n * jump_quantum return arr2
[docs]def volume(lattice): """ Calculate the volume of a 3D unit cell. Parameters ---------- lattice : numpy.ndarray 3 x 3 array with the unit cell vectors as the rows. That is numpy.array([[a1, a2, a3], [b1, b2, b3], [c1, c2, c3]]) Returns ------- float Volume of unit cell, calculated as (a x b) * c """ return[0], lattice[1]), lattice[2])
[docs]def get_centroid(atoms_dict, key='all'): """ Calculate the centroid of the atoms of a certian element in a unit cell. Parameters ---------- atoms_dict : dict dictionary of atomic coordinates in Angstroms, where the keys are the element symbols and the values are the numpy coordinate array for all atoms of that element. key : str the symbol of the element you would like to calculate the centroid for. If 'all' is given, the centroid of the entire unit cell will be computed. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray a numpy array of the x,y, and z coordinates (in Angstroms) of the centroid. """ if key == 'all': # get the centroid of all atoms in the coordinates dict requested_atoms = np.concatenate([atoms_dict[key] for key in atoms_dict], axis=0) else: requested_atoms = atoms_dict[key] return np.mean(requested_atoms, axis=0)
[docs]def get_spherical_coords_to_centroid(atoms_dict, centroid): """ Calculate the centroid of the atoms of a certian element in a unit cell. Parameters ---------- atoms_dict : dict Dictionary of atomic coordinates in Angstroms, where the keys are the element symbols and the values are the numpy coordinate array for all atoms of that element. centroid : str Numpy array of the x,y, and z coordinates (in Angstroms) of the centroid. Returns ------- r : dict Dictionary of the distances of each ion in unit cell to the specified centroid. The keys are the element symbols and the values are numpy.ndarrays of the distances for each ion. phi : dict Dictionary of the polar angle of each ion in unit cell with reference to an origin at the specified centroid. theta : dict Dictionary of the azimuthal angle of each ion in unit cell with reference to an origin at the specified centroid. """ r = {} phi = {} theta = {} for key in atoms_dict: r[key] = np.array([np.linalg.norm(pos - centroid) for pos in atoms_dict[key]]) phi[key] = np.array([np.arccos((pos - centroid)[2] / r_) for pos, r_ in zip(atoms_dict[key], r[key])]) theta[key] = np.array([np.arctan2((pos - centroid)[1], (pos - centroid)[0]) for pos in atoms_dict[key]]) theta[key][theta[key] < 0] += 2 * np.pi return r, phi, theta
[docs]def get_dist_to_centroid(atoms_dict, centroid): """ Calculate the centroid of the atoms of a certian element in a unit cell. Parameters ---------- atoms_dict : dict Dictionary of atomic coordinates in Angstroms, where the keys are the element symbols and the values are the numpy coordinate array for all atoms of that element. centroid : str Numpy array of the x,y, and z coordinates (in Angstroms) of the centroid. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of the distances of each ion in unit cell to the specified centroid. The keys are the element symbols and the values are numpy.ndarrays of the distances for each ion. """ dist_to_centroid = {} for key in atoms_dict: dist_to_centroid[key] = np.array([np.linalg.norm(pos - centroid) for pos in atoms_dict[key]]) return dist_to_centroid
[docs]def get_BECs(for_0, for_1, e_field, e_field_direction): """ Calculate the born effective charges for an array of ions. Parameters ---------- for_0 : dict Ionic forces in zero field in a dictionary where the keys are the element symbols and the values are the numpy force array for all atoms of that element. for_1 : dict Ionic forces in applied efield but with clamped ions in a dictionary formatted like for_0. e_field : float The magnitude of the applied electric field. e_field_direction : list The 3D vector direction of the efield. Ex: [0,0,1] is an electric field in the positive z-direction. """ BEC = {} e_field_direction = np.array(e_field_direction) / np.linalg.norm(np.array(e_field_direction)) # make sure the parsed forces have matching elements if set(for_0.keys()) != set(for_1.keys()): raise ValueError('Different elements present in the two provided files.') # get the Born Effective Charge using the finite difference between 0 field and clamped ion for key in for_0: if len(for_0[key]) != len(for_1[key]): raise ValueError('Provided files have different number of {} atoms'.format(key)) BEC[key] = (for_1[key].dot(e_field_direction) - for_0[key].dot(e_field_direction)) / e_field return BEC
[docs]def infer_local_field(for_0, for_1, z_exp, e_ext=0.001, e_field_direction=[0, 0, 1]): """ Calculate the born effective charges for an array of ions. Parameters ---------- for_0 : dict Ionic forces in zero field in a dictionary where the keys are the element symbols and the values are the numpy force array for all atoms of that element. for_1 : dict Ionic forces in applied efield but with clamped ions in a dictionary formatted like for_0. z_exp : dict Expected born effective charge for each element type from a matrix-only calculation. Keys are element symbols, and values are expected BECs. e_ext : float, optional, default: 0.001 The magnitude of the applied electric field (au). e_field_direction : list, optional, default: [0,0,1] The 3D vector direction of the efield. Ex: [0,0,1] is an electric field in the positive z-direction. """ e_loc = {} e_field_direction = np.array(e_field_direction) / np.linalg.norm(np.array(e_field_direction)) # make sure the parsed forces have matching elements if set(for_0.keys()) != set(for_1.keys()): raise ValueError('Different elements present in the two provided files.') # get the Born Effective Charge using the finite difference between 0 field and clamped ion for key in for_0: if len(for_0[key]) != len(for_1[key]): raise ValueError('Provided files have different number of {} atoms'.format(key)) e_loc[key] = (for_1[key].dot(e_field_direction) - for_0[key].dot(e_field_direction)) / z_exp[key] - e_ext return e_loc
[docs]def infer_e_field(for_0, for_1, z_exp, e_field_direction=[0, 0, 1]): """ Calculate the born effective charges for an array of ions. Parameters ---------- for_0 : dict Ionic forces in zero field in a dictionary where the keys are the element symbols and the values are the numpy force array for all atoms of that element. for_1 : dict Ionic forces in applied efield but with clamped ions in a dictionary formatted like for_0. z_exp : dict Expected born effective charge for each element type from a matrix-only calculation. Keys are element symbols, and values are expected BECs. e_field_direction : list, optional, default: [0,0,1] The 3D vector direction of the efield. Ex: [0,0,1] is an electric field in the positive z-direction. """ e_loc = {} e_field_direction = np.array(e_field_direction) / np.linalg.norm(np.array(e_field_direction)) # make sure the parsed forces have matching elements if set(for_0.keys()) != set(for_1.keys()): raise ValueError('Different elements present in the two provided files.') # get the Born Effective Charge using the finite difference between 0 field and clamped ion for key in for_0: if len(for_0[key]) != len(for_1[key]): raise ValueError('Provided files have different number of {} atoms'.format(key)) e_loc[key] = (for_1[key].dot(e_field_direction) - for_0[key].dot(e_field_direction)) / z_exp[key] return e_loc
[docs]def get_field_along_d(field_dict, sub_mean_field=False, e_field=0.25, e_field_direction=[0, 0, 1]): """ Calculate the electric field along a specific direction from the FE results. Parameters ---------- field_dict : dict Electric field at atomic locations in a dictionary where the keys are the element symbols and the values are the numpy array of the electric field for all atoms of that element. sub_mean_field : bool, optional If set, the external applied field is subtracted from the calculated fields, meaning that only the local field disturbance caused by the inclusion will be plotted. Defaults to False. e_field : float The magnitude of the applied electric field in V/m. e_field_direction : list The 3D vector direction of the efield. Ex: [0,0,1] is an electric field in the positive z-direction. Returns ------- field : dict Electric field magnitude along the specified direction at atomic locations in a dictionary with same format as field_dict. """ field = {} e_field_direction = np.array(e_field_direction) / np.linalg.norm(np.array(e_field_direction)) for key in field_dict: if sub_mean_field: field_dict[key] = field_dict[key] - (e_field * e_field_direction) field[key] = field_dict[key].dot(e_field_direction.T) return field
[docs]def to_Bohr(coords): """Convert a coordinate dictionary from Angstroms to Bohr""" for key in coords: coords[key] = coords[key] / A_TO_B return coords
[docs]def get_dipole_field(coords, dipole_loc=[0, 0, 0], p_vec=[0, 0, 1], p=1, is_angstrom=True): """ Returns the electric field from a point dipole. Parameters ---------- coords : dict Dictionary of atomic coordinates, where the keys are the element symbols, and the values are the numpy coordinate array for all atoms of that element. dipole_loc : list or numpy.ndarray The 3D coordinates of the dipole location. Ex: dipole_loc=get_centroid(coords, key='Ag') dipole_loc : list or numpy.ndarray The 3D coordinates of the dipole location. Ex: dipole_loc=get_centroid(coords, key='Ag') is_angstrom : bool, optional, default : True Indicates whether the input atomic coordinates are in Angstroms (if False, Bohr is assumed) Returns ------- field : dict Electric field at atomic locations in a dictionary with same format as coords. """ dipole_loc = np.array(dipole_loc) p_vec = np.array(p_vec) # verify that it is normalized first p_vec = p_vec / np.linalg.norm(p_vec) p_vec = p * p_vec # make sure everything is in atomic units if is_angstrom: coords = to_Bohr(coords) dipole_loc = dipole_loc / A_TO_B ions = utils.as_dataframe(coords) field = {} for key in coords: r_vec = ions.loc[ions['element'] == key][['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values - dipole_loc r_mag = np.linalg.norm(r_vec, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) r_unit = r_vec / r_mag field[key] = 1 / r_mag ** 3 * (, 3 * p_vec.T).reshape(-1, 1) * r_unit - p_vec) return field
[docs]def get_dipole_field_displaced(coords, dipole_loc=[0, 0, 0], p_vec=[0, 0, 1], q=1, d=0.1, is_angstrom=True): """ Returns the electric field from a point dipole. Parameters ---------- coords : dict Dictionary of atomic coordinates, where the keys are the element symbols, and the values are the numpy coordinate array for all atoms of that element. dipole_loc : list or numpy.ndarray The 3D coordinates of the dipole location. Ex: dipole_loc=get_centroid(coords, key='Ag') is_angstrom : bool, optional, default : True Indicates whether the input atomic coordinates are in Angstroms (if False, Bohr is assumed) Returns ------- field : dict Electric field at atomic locations in a dictionary with same format as coords. """ dipole_loc = np.array(dipole_loc) p_vec = np.array(p_vec) # verify that it is normalized first p_vec = p_vec / np.linalg.norm(p_vec) # make sure everything is in atomic units if is_angstrom: coords = to_Bohr(coords) dipole_loc = dipole_loc / A_TO_B ions = utils.as_dataframe(coords) field = {} for key in coords: ppos = dipole_loc + d / 2 * p_vec pneg = dipole_loc - d / 2 * p_vec r_pos = ions.loc[ions['element'] == key][['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values - ppos r_pos_mag = np.linalg.norm(r_pos, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) r_neg = ions.loc[ions['element'] == key][['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values - pneg r_neg_mag = np.linalg.norm(r_neg, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) r_pos_unit = r_pos / r_pos_mag r_neg_unit = r_neg / r_neg_mag pos_field = q / r_pos_mag ** 2 * r_pos_unit neg_field = -q / r_neg_mag ** 2 * r_neg_unit field[key] = pos_field + neg_field return field
[docs]def gen_BEC_df(no_efield, clamped_ion, xyz, e_field=0.001, e_field_direction=[0, 0, 1], add_forces=False): """ Generate a pandas dataframe containing the Born Effective Charges of the ions in the unit cell Parameters ---------- no_efield : string File path of QE output file containing the polarization with no applied electric field clamped_ion : string File path of QE output file containing the polarization with applied electric field but ions clamped in place xyz : string File path of .xyz - formatted coordinates of unit cell e_field : float, optional, default=0.001 Electric field strength in au. e_field_direction : list, optional, default=[0, 0, 1] Vector of the electric field direction. In positive z-direction by default add_forces : bool, optional, default=False If True, include the forces on the ions before and after electric field applied to the output dataframe Returns ------- pandas.Dataframe Dataframe of ionic coordinates and Born effective charges. Columns are ["Element", "X", "Y", "Z", "BEC"], with optional "Force0", "Force1". """ # parse coordinates coords = parsers.get_coordinates(xyz) # parse forces for_0, for_1 = parsers.get_converged_forces(no_efield), parsers.get_converged_forces(clamped_ion) # calculate Born Effective Charges BEC = get_BECs(for_0, for_1, e_field, e_field_direction) if add_forces: return utils.as_dataframe(coords, BEC, for_0, for_1) else: return utils.as_dataframe(coords, BEC)
[docs]def ave_BEC_dict(elements, BECs): """ Create a dictionary where the keys are the element symbols and the values are the average Born Effective Charges for that element. """ elements, BECs = (list(elements), list(BECs)) BEC_dict = {el: [] for el in elements} for element, BEC in zip(elements, BECs): BEC_dict[element].append(BEC) for key in BEC_dict: BEC_dict[key] = np.mean(BEC_dict[key]) return BEC_dict
[docs]def point_in_hull(point, hull, tolerance=1e-12, inc=False): """""" if not isinstance(hull, ConvexHull): hull = ConvexHull(hull) if inc: return all(([:-1], point) + eq[-1] <= tolerance) for eq in hull.equations) else: # don't include points that lie within a tolerance of a facet of the hull for eq in hull.equations: # the point is within a certain tolerance of a facet of the hull if ([:-1], point) + eq[-1] <= tolerance) & ([:-1], point) + eq[-1] >= -tolerance): return False elif ([:-1], point) + eq[-1] > tolerance): # outside the hull return False return True
[docs]def points_in_hull(points, hull, tolerance=1e-12, inc=False): if not isinstance(hull, ConvexHull): hull = ConvexHull(hull) in_hull = [] for point in points: in_hull.append(point_in_hull(point, hull, tolerance, inc)) return np.array(in_hull)
[docs]def select_cell_segment(cell_df, lattice, frac_dir): """ Select a portion of the unit cell along a given set of directions. The fractional direction is a vector of coefficients for the lattice vectors of the unit cell. For lattice vectors a, b, c, a direction vector of [0.5, 1, 0.5] means that we want the cell up to 0.5a and 0.5c, with all values of b. A negative value for direction means that we want values greater than (1 - fraction) times the lattice vector. Thus, [-0.3, 1, 1] means that we want the cell segment greater than 0.7a. [-0.3,-0.3,-0.3] would mean we want all cell positions from that lie within [0.7a, a], [0.7b, b], and [0.7c, c]. """ if not np.array(frac_dir).all(): # there is a zero in the direction, which should not be raise ValueError('All fractional direction elements should be non-zero.') cell_seg = cell_df scaled_lattice_vecs = [] shifts = [] # if the direction is negative, we need to add on a shift combos = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]).T for i, fraction in enumerate(frac_dir): if fraction < 0: # get the limits of the cell that you want to keep in this direction scaled_lattice_vecs.append(abs(fraction) * lattice[i]) # get the cell greater than frac % 1 shifts.append((fraction % 1.0) * lattice[i]) else: scaled_lattice_vecs.append(fraction * lattice[i]) # now add the combinations of lattice vectors to each other to get 8 points scaled_lattice_vecs = np.array(scaled_lattice_vecs).T vertices =, combos).T # the vertices of a the selection box # if the origin is shifted, then add in the shifts for shift in np.array(shifts): vertices = vertices + shift # make the in_bounds inclusive if we are on the outer part of the unit cell, # otherwise, leave it exclusive # inc=False # if len(shifts): # inc = True # now, find all points in the original cell that lie inside these vertices in_bounds = points_in_hull(cell_seg[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values, vertices) # inc=inc) cell_seg = cell_seg[in_bounds] return cell_seg
[docs]def pad_cell(cell_df, lattice, pad=0.4): # Expand periodic boundaries by one lattice vector in every direction shifts = [-1, 0, 1] cell_expand = cell_df.copy(deep=True) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): for k in range(3): if (i, j, k) == (1, 1, 1): # corresponds to the center unit cell, don't repeat it continue else: shift = np.array([shifts[i], shifts[j], shifts[k]]).T log.debug('1. shift: {}'.format(shift)) lat_add = (lattice.T * shift).T log.debug('2. lattice addition: \n{}'.format(lat_add)) # vector specifying which chunk of the cell to multiply # if we are moving in the direction [1,0,0], that is in the direction of lattice vector a # and pad is 0.5, we select the first half of the cell along lattice vector a # to multiply. cell_selection = [el if el != 0. else 1. for el in shift * pad] log.debug('3. cell selection: {}'.format(cell_selection)) cell_temp = select_cell_segment(cell_df.copy(deep=True), lattice, cell_selection) log.debug('4. selected cell df: \n{}'.format(cell_temp)) # add each of the scaled lattice vectors to the position data for vec in lat_add: cell_temp[['X', 'Y', 'Z']] += vec log.debug('5. shifted selected cell df: \n{}'.format(cell_temp)) cell_expand = pd.concat([cell_expand, cell_temp]) log.debug('6. Expanded cell df: \n{}'.format(cell_expand)) return cell_expand
[docs]def grid_krig_execute(krig_execute): def f(grid_x, grid_y, grid_z): return krig_execute('grid', grid_x, grid_y, grid_z) return f
[docs]def apply_chunks(interpolator, grid_x, grid_y, grid_z): n1 = grid_x.shape[1] ix = da.from_array(grid_x, chunks=(1, n1, n1)) iy = da.from_array(grid_y, chunks=(1, n1, n1)) iz = da.from_array(grid_z, chunks=(1, n1, n1)) iv = da.map_blocks(interpolator, ix, iy, iz, dtype=float) return iv.compute()
[docs]def apply_kriging_chunks(krig_interp, grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, chunksize=None): def interp_chunk(interp, g1, g2, g3): a1, a2, a3 = g1[:, 0, 0], g2[0, :, 0], g3[0, 0, :] krig_out, sd_out = interp(a1, a2, a3) return if chunksize is None: n = grid_x.shape[0] chunksize = (1, n, n) a_array = da.from_array(grid_x, chunks=chunksize) b_array = da.from_array(grid_y, chunks=chunksize) c_array = da.from_array(grid_z, chunks=chunksize) d = da.map_blocks(interp_chunk, krig_interp, a_array, b_array, c_array, dtype=float) return d.compute()
[docs]def interp_3d(coord_arr, val_arr, resolution=100j, lattice=None, xlim=(0, 1), ylim=(0, 1), zlim=(0, 1), method='linear', return_grids=False): if lattice is None: min_x, max_x = xlim min_y, max_y = ylim min_z, max_z = zlim else: # get the limits of the lattice along the slice direction x_lat = lattice[:, 0] y_lat = lattice[:, 1] z_lat = lattice[:, 2] # for plotting xlim and ylim min_x, max_x = min(x_lat), max(x_lat) min_y, max_y = min(y_lat), max(y_lat) min_z, max_z = min(z_lat), max(z_lat) x, y, z = coord_arr[:, 0], coord_arr[:, 1], coord_arr[:, 2] points = np.array(list(zip(x, y, z))) # grid on which to evaluate interpolators grid_x, grid_y, grid_z = np.mgrid[min_x:max_x:resolution * 1j, min_y:max_y:resolution * 1j, min_z:max_z:resolution * 1j] if method == 'kriging': uk3d = UniversalKriging3D(x, y, z, val_arr, variogram_model='spherical', nlags=10, enable_plotting=False, drift_terms=['regional_linear'], verbose=False) gridx = np.linspace(min_x, max_x, resolution) gridy = np.linspace(min_y, max_y, resolution) gridz = np.linspace(min_z, max_z, resolution) preds, uk_ss3d = uk3d.execute('grid', gridx, gridy, gridz) preds = elif method == 'gp': kernel = C(1.0, (1e-3, 1e3)) * RQ(2.0, 1.0, (1e-1, 2e1), (1e-3, 1e3)) gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=10, alpha=1e-10), val_arr) preds = gp.predict(np.array(list(zip(grid_x.ravel(), grid_y.ravel(), grid_z.ravel())))).reshape(resolution, resolution, resolution) elif method == 'rbf': rbfi = Rbf(x, y, z, val_arr) preds = rbfi(grid_x, grid_y, grid_z) elif method == 'linear': lndi = LND(points, val_arr) preds = lndi(grid_x, grid_y, grid_z) elif method == 'nearest': nndi = NND(points, val_arr) preds = nndi(grid_x, grid_y, grid_z) if return_grids: return preds, grid_x, grid_y, grid_z else: return preds
[docs]def dipole_field(R, p_vec, centroid): r_vec_int = np.array([R[0].ravel(), R[1].ravel(), R[2].ravel()]).T - centroid r_mag_int = np.linalg.norm(r_vec_int, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) r_unit_int = r_vec_int / r_mag_int dipole_field_int = 1 / r_mag_int ** 3 * (, 3 * p_vec.T).reshape(-1, 1) * r_unit_int - p_vec) return dipole_field_int.T.reshape(R.shape)
[docs]def find_np_atoms(df_matrix, df_np): np_pos = df_np[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values matrix_pos = df_matrix[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values indices = [] for i in range(len(np_pos)): min_dist = 100 idx = 0 for j in range(len(matrix_pos)): dist = np.linalg.norm(matrix_pos[j] - np_pos[i]) if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist idx = j indices += [idx] return indices