Source code for pybec.parsers

Module that mainly deals with extracting information from QuantumEspresso Output

Handles the primary functions

import numpy as np
import os
import logging
import glob
from collections import OrderedDict

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_trajectory(output_file, unit_multiplier=1.0): """ Retrieves the final positions from the last step of the specified output file. Parameters ---------- output_file : str File path to the output file for the step from which to pull trajectory. Returns ------- dict Ionic coordinates at each timestep in a dictionary where the keys are the element symbols and the values are the numpy coordinate array for all atoms of that element. """ if not os.path.isfile(output_file): raise ValueError("Output File {} is not a valid file path".format(output_file)) # strings to search for pos_start = 'ATOMIC_POSITIONS' stepline = 'Physical Quantities at step:' # flag to store whether we have encountered a block of positions pos_block = False # store the atomic positions stepnum = None traj = {} with open(output_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: # iterate through the lines. Go line by line to not over-use memory. # make sure system converged if stepline in line: stepnum = int(line.split(':')[1]) # find the pos block elif pos_start in line: pos_block = True pos = {} # erase earlier forces, keeping only most recent # store the positions elif pos_block: line = line.split() if not line: # reached end of position block pos_block = False traj[stepnum] = pos # store positions with step number else: try: pos[line[0]].append(line[1:]) except KeyError: pos[line[0]] = [line[1:]] for key1 in traj: for key2 in traj[key1]: traj[key1][key2] = np.array(traj[key1][key2], dtype=np.float64) * unit_multiplier return traj
[docs]def get_dipole(output_file): """ Retrieves the electric and ionic polarizations from output file. Parameters ---------- output_file : str File path to the output file for the step from which to pull polarizations. Returns ------- tuple header, pols. Header is a list of the header names associated with pols. pols is an N X 5 np.ndarray. For each of N steps, it contains The associated step number, timestep, electronic, ionic, and total cell dipole. """ if os.path.isfile(output_file): with open(output_file, 'r') as f1: line_1 = '' pols = [] ts_found = False for line in f1: if not ts_found and "MD Simulation time step" in line: ts = float(line.split('=')[1]) elif line.startswith('Elct. dipole'): step = float(line_1.split()[0]) e_dipole = float(line.split()[3]) i_dipole = float(line.split()[7]) pols.append([step, ts, e_dipole, i_dipole, e_dipole+i_dipole]) line_1 = line return ['Step', 'Dt', 'E_Dipole', 'I_Dipole', 'Tot_Dipole'], np.array(pols) else: raise ValueError('Invalid input file name')
[docs]def get_full_dipole(directory, remove_dupes=True): """ Gets the trajectory of the polarization. Parameters ---------- directory : str The path to a directory containing all of the output files to parse for polarization data. remove_dupes : bool If true, keep only one of each step number, the one from the last file it occurs in. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Nx2 array with the first column containing the time and second column containing the overall polarization. Duplicate timesteps are removed during processing. """ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*')) files.sort() if remove_dupes: pols = {} for file in files: _, pol = get_dipole(file) if len(pol): for i, p in enumerate(pol): pols[pol[i, 0]] = pol[i] pols = OrderedDict(sorted(pols.items())) pols = np.concatenate([pols[step].reshape(1,-1) for step in pols], axis=0) else: pols = [] for file in files: _, pol = get_dipole(file) pols.append(pol) pols = np.concatenate(pols, axis=0) return pols
[docs]def get_final_positions(output_file, unit_multiplier=1.0): """ Retrieves the final positions from the last step of the specified output file. Parameters ---------- output_file : str File path to the output file for the step from which to pull converged forces. Returns ------- dict Ionic coordinates in a dictionary where the keys are the element symbols and the values are the numpy coordinate array for all atoms of that element. """ if not os.path.isfile(output_file): raise ValueError("Output File {} is not a valid file path".format(output_file)) # strings to search for converged_str = 'convergence achieved for system relaxation' pos_start = 'ATOMIC_POSITIONS' # store whether system is converged converged = False # flag to store whether we have encountered a block of forces pos_block = False # store the forces pos = {} with open(output_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: # iterate through the lines. Go line by line to not over-use memory. # make sure system converged if converged_str in line: converged = True # find the force block elif pos_start in line: pos_block = True pos = {} # erase earlier forces, keeping only most recent # store the forces, keeping only the most recent forces elif pos_block: line = line.split() if line == []: # reached end of force block pos_block = False else: try: pos[line[0]].append(line[1:]) except KeyError: pos[line[0]] = [line[1:]] for key in pos: pos[key] = np.array(pos[key], dtype=np.float64) * unit_multiplier if not converged: print("WARNING: Positions don't seem to have converged.") return pos
[docs]def get_final_cell(output_file, unit_multiplier=1.0): """ Retrieves the final cell vectors from the last step of the specified output file. Parameters ---------- output_file : str File path to the output file for the step from which to pull converged forces. Returns ------- np.ndarray A 3x3 array of the cell vectors, as 3 row vectors [[a1,a2,a3],[b1,b2,b3],[c1,c2,c3]] """ if not os.path.isfile(output_file): raise ValueError("Output File {} is not a valid file path".format(output_file)) # strings to search for converged_str = 'convergence achieved for system relaxation' cell_start = 'CELL_PARAMETERS' # store whether system is converged converged = False # flag to store whether we have encountered a block of forces cell_block = False # store the forces cell = [] with open(output_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: # iterate through the lines. Go line by line to not over-use memory. # make sure system converged if converged_str in line: converged = True # find the force block elif cell_start in line: cell_block = True cell = [] # erase earlier forces, keeping only most recent # store the forces, keeping only the most recent forces elif cell_block: line = line.split() if line == []: # reached end of force block cell_block = False else: cell.append(line) cell = np.array(cell, dtype=np.float64) * unit_multiplier if not converged: print("WARNING: Cell doesn't seem to have converged.") return cell
[docs]def get_converged_forces(output_file): """ Retrieves the converged forces from the last step of the specified output file. Parameters ---------- output_file : str File path to the output file for the step from which to pull converged forces. Returns ------- dict Ionic forces in a dictionary where the keys are the element symbols and the values are the numpy force array for all atoms of that element. """ if not os.path.isfile(output_file): raise ValueError("Output File {} is not a valid file path".format(output_file)) # strings to search for converged_str = 'convergence achieved for system relaxation' force_start = 'Forces acting on atoms (au):' # store whether system is converged converged = False # flag to store whether we have encountered a block of forces force_block = False # store the forces forces = {} with open(output_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: # iterate through the lines. Go line by line to not over-use memory. # make sure system converged if converged_str in line: converged = True # find the force block elif force_start in line: force_block = True forces = {} # erase earlier forces, keeping only most recent # store the forces, keeping only the most recent forces elif force_block: line = line.split() if line == []: # reached end of force block force_block = False else: try: forces[line[0]].append(line[1:]) except KeyError: forces[line[0]] = [line[1:]] if converged: for key in forces: forces[key] = np.array(forces[key], dtype=np.float64) return forces else: raise Exception("Forces don't seem to have converged. Check step and run again.")
[docs]def get_coordinates(xyz_file, skip=2, delimiter=None): """ Loads the XYZ coordinates of the specified file. Parameters ---------- xyz_file : str File path to the .xyz file containing the relaxed crystal structure delimiter : str delimiter separating x, y, z coordinates in the file, to be used by numpy's genfromtxt method Returns ------- dict The coordinates in angstroms in a dictionary where the keys are the element symbols and the values are the numpy arrays of the coordinates for all atoms of that element. """ if not os.path.isfile(xyz_file): raise ValueError("XYZ File {} is not a valid file path".format(xyz_file)) coords_arr = np.genfromtxt(xyz_file, skip_header=skip, delimiter=delimiter, dtype=str) # store the coordinates coords = {} for element in np.unique(coords_arr[:,0]): # make each unique element a key in the coords dict coords[element] = coords_arr[coords_arr[:,0] == element][:,1:].astype(np.float64) return coords
[docs]def get_lattice(xyz_file): """ Loads the lattice vectors from the specified file. Parameters ---------- xyz_file : str File path to the .xyz file containing the relaxed crystal structure Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The lattice vectors in angstroms in a numpy array where the rows are lattice vectors a, b, and c, and the columns are the unit directions x, y, z. """ if not os.path.isfile(xyz_file): raise ValueError("XYZ File {} is not a valid file path".format(xyz_file)) with open(xyz_file, 'r') as f: lat_list = f.readlines()[1].split() lattice = np.array([lat_list[0:3], lat_list[3:6], lat_list[6:9]], dtype=np.float64) return lattice