pybec.parsers Module that mainly deals with extracting information from QuantumEspresso Output

Handles the primary functions



Retrieves the converged forces from the last step of the specified output file.

get_coordinates(xyz_file[, skip, delimiter])

Loads the XYZ coordinates of the specified file.


Retrieves the electric and ionic polarizations from output file.

get_final_cell(output_file[, unit_multiplier])

Retrieves the final cell vectors from the last step of the specified output file.

get_final_positions(output_file[, ...])

Retrieves the final positions from the last step of the specified output file.

get_full_dipole(directory[, remove_dupes])

Gets the trajectory of the polarization.


Loads the lattice vectors from the specified file.

get_trajectory(output_file[, unit_multiplier])

Retrieves the final positions from the last step of the specified output file.